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Article: Decoding size distribution patterns in marine and transitional water phytoplankton: from community to species level.

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Roselli L; Basset A
PLoS ONE, 2015

10.1371/journal.pone.0127193.t002 Phytoplankton morphological traits.
Class n ind V sd S/V sd n ind V sd S/V sd p(V) p(S/V)
Bacillariophyceae 14263 4684.88 236882.65 2.42 1.97 6367 1090.55 5553.33 1.04 0.51 *** ***
Coscinodiscophyceae 2460 26190.98 130367.58 0.47 0.22 44 11334.22 42941.12 0.86 0.45 ***
Mediophyceae 3968 4748.15 19185.57 0.72 0.48 7317 340.98 791.35 1.17 0.37 *** ***
Dinophyceae 14568 10813.78 115299.36 0.62 0.43 7191 4449.67 8604.29 0.63 0.43 *** ***
Chlorophyceae 139 18848.30 84134.83 0.63 0.19 7290 249.68 1996.45 2.05 1.25 *** ***
Chrysophyceae 111 71.28 96.49 1.38 0.27
Cryptophyceae 3702 102.69 178.91 2.09 0.82 36322 160.98 186.09 2.88 0.26 ns ***
Cyanophyceae 5 607713.70 910360.74 0.33 0.38 7658 329.18 1849.41 1.95 1.05 *** ***
Dictyochophyceae 585 23271.96 58814.50 0.27 0.11 1 116.60 - 1.59 - - -
Ebriophyceae 21 1136.77 945.36 0.52 0.12
Euglenophyceae 35 18583.18 20820.78 0.31 0.12 70 352.66 697.68 1.36 0.56 *** ***
Haptophyta incertae sedis 102 13524.88 15037.07 0.25 0.08
Prasinophyceae 1 5375.19 - 0.28 - 315 142.54 157.41 1.91 1.22 - -
Prymnesiophyceae 804 17330.04 55348.37 0.35 0.20 47 10613.17 14562.05 0.80 0.53 ns ***
Trebouxiophyceae 1 2726.16 - 4.27 - 112 46.70 41.59 1.87 0.43 - -
Ulvophyceae 1606 82.93 92.04 1.85 0.61
Zygnematophyceae 74 455.83 296.57 3.32 0.91

n ind = number of individuals; cell size = mean cell volume; sd = standard deviation; S/V = surface to volume ratio. ANOVA results applied to water categories. ns = not significant; *** = p<0.001. Arrows indicate increasing cell size and S/V values.

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